Spectrum will audition singers with previous choral experience throughout the 2024-2025 season. Auditions are scheduled by appointment (see below for more audition information).
Sing with Spectrum!
Who Can Audition?
Spectrum is always interested in skilled singers—with vocal training or choral experience—in all voice parts.
When: September 9, 16, and 23
Time: 7:00-7:30 pm
Where: Kendall Square LDS Chapel, 65 Binney St., Cambridge 02142
What to Prepare?
Bring three copies (two for the music director and accompanist) of an art song or operatic/oratorio aria. Memorization is not required.
Don't miss this incredible opportunity to be part of The Spectrum Singers. Schedule your audition today!
To reserve your audition slot or for any questions, contact auditions@spectrumsingers.org or call 617-492-8902
When: Monday evenings, 7:30–10 pm. First Fall 2024 rehearsal is September 9.
Where: Kendall Square LDS Chapel, 65 Binney St., Cambridge 02142.
Getting There:
By public transit - Red Line to Kendall/MIT station or Green Line to Lechmere station. Walk from T to rehearsal location is about 10 minutes.
By car - free indoor parking is available.
Performances and Repertoire
Concerts in 2024–2025 are on November 23, 2024, March 15, 2025 and May 17, 2025 at First Church Congregational, Harvard Square (at the corner of Garden and Mason Streets).
We sing the entire “spectrum” of classical choral music from a cappella to full orchestral works. Our repertoire includes works by Purcell, Bach, Haydn, Mozart, Schubert, Schumann, Brahms, Dvořák, Vaughan-Williams, Holst, Stravinsky, Copland, Duruflé, Britten, Fine, Bernstein, Whitacre, Fairouz, and more.
What Singers Are Saying
“John Ehrlich's commitment to communicating the music makes us far better singers and hopefully makes the experience richer for our audience.”
— Jill Fekete
“After 10 years singing with the group I’ve figured out that Spectrum Singers is a community dedicated to making great choral music.”
— Paul Dredge
“There are over 50 choruses in the greater Boston area to chose from as a participant or member of the audience. There's no other group with which I'd rather sing.”
— Steve Solomon
“Inventive programming, talented singers, wonderful soloists and accompanists, insightful director, challenging repertoire, rewarding performances, supportive community.”
— Anna Smith
Health and Safety Information
The Spectrum Singers takes the health of its members seriously. Our chorus is universally vaccinated and believes we are personally safest through collective attention to the safety of one another and ourselves. We do not attend rehearsals or performances if we are symptomatically ill. If exposed to COVID, are without symptoms and have tested negative for COVID, we may attend rehearsals or performances masked. At other times, masking is always optional.